Monday, January 26, 2009

A moment for Esme

Esme is 20 months old and it seems awhile since I blogged about her. This girl is so much fun and soooo much work right now. She gets into everything- I never really had to kid proof my home like I do with her. She tries to plug things in the outlets, eats tips off all the markers, puts her hand in the fishbowl and eats the rocks, takes permanent markers to the computer screens (believe me I try to hide some of these things). She keeps us on our toes to say the least. She may however be the most affectionate of all our children at this age. She will put her hands around our neck and squeeze so tight and then top it off with a few kisses. She is starting to have a lot of fun with her sisters and I love hearing her laugh hysterically with them. I love being home with her and Sophia-the two are becoming quite a pair. We miss Ava while she is at school and she loves to come home and lead the pack with games and songs.


Elieson Family said...

Soo sweet! Sometimes I wonder about kids that age, John and Seth sorta team up (against me) during the days when Salem and Ben are at school. They flooded the bathroom quite effectively a few weeks ago and now we have to keep 3 doors in the house ALWAYS closed b/c of it. I've personally banned all markers and paints from the house for a few years. Kids are heart-broken, but oh-well!

stephanie said...

cass, she is so sweet. i can't believe i don't even know her really! i just want to kiss her cute face.

Lisa said...

What a cute little girl!

Jen said...

Oh my....I have one of those girlies- Hannah. She now has "spotted" carpet in her room because she took a marker to it! Esme sure is beautiful- I love her big blue eyes.

Andrea said...

I'm really glad to see that it is an age thing and Kaitlen will hopefully grow out of it. However I certainly think some are much more mischievous then others. Maybe it is a third child thing??

Jenna said...

So cute! I can't believe our baby girls are growing up so fast. Grace is the same way - although not that extreme but she does keep me on my toes. Adam just keeps saying that she is T-R-O-U-B-L-E! We've got to get together soon- before I pop this baby out in a few months. The zoo sounds awesome and I want to come see your house! Call me and we'll get together soon!


jed-laura said...

Your girls are so beautiful, and fun. That must be so much fun to see them interact.